>>> The 1998 C++ standard consists of two parts: the core language and the C++ standard library; the latter includes most of the standard template library and a slightly modified version of the C standard library.
>>> All C++ compilers come with a standard library of functions that perform most commonly needed tasks.
>>> The C++ standard library incorporates the C standard library with some small modification to make it work better with the C++ language. thus, all of the standard C functions are available for use in C++ programs.
>>> The C++ standard library can be divide into: the standard functions library and the class library.
>>> Another large part of the C++ library is based on the Standard Template Library (STL).
>>> This Provides such useful tools as containers (for example vectors and lists), iterators (generalized pointers) to provide these containers with array - like access and algorithms to perform operation such as searching and sorting.
>>> C++ Provides sixty - nine standard headers, of which nineteen are deprecated.
>>> The standard does not refer to it as "STL", as it is merely a part of the standard library, but many people still use that term to distinguish it from the rest of the library.
>>> The Standard Template Library (STL) is a general - purpose C++ library of algorithms and data structures, originated by Alexander Stepanov and Meng Lee. The STL,based on a concept known as generic programming, is part of the standard ANSI C++ library. The STL is implemented by means of the C++ template mechanism, hence its name. While some aspects of the library are very complex, it can often be structures and algorithms it contains.